Wednesday, March 17, 2010

To Have Them Loved or To Have Them Leave?

We live in a day right now more then ever, where people are searching for something more than what they presently have. We see people everywhere wanting more and more whether it be by way of finances, material possessions, or even in the area of relationships. This is where the Church can and should play a vital role in our respective communities.

The more time that I spend in the Ministry, I am utterly convinced that people, in general, have the same basic need and that need is to feel loved. Think about a successful marriage, both partners know that they are loved. Even though problems may occur from time to time, they have the security of that love from their partner that lifts them up above the problem instead of being another statistic buried by that hardship. If we in the Church would take time to love people as Christ loved people, then our Churches would prosper and floursih above their problems as God intends for them to.

We have to rise above the stigma that is especially prevalent in some Independent Baptist circles that says "People that need babysitting aren't serious about the Lord's work anyway!" While this sounds like a super-spiritual statement, it is not Biblical. We're not talking about babysitting people, we're talking about ensuring that they feel loved and that they know that God's people are there for them and praying for them.

If you are a Godly influence today, it is solely because someone took the time to love you and show you God's love with their life. Please remember that we in no way, shape, or form have to condone people's sin to love them. People don't expect the church to help them in efforts of continued sin, however they DO expect the church to help them to get out of continued sin. How can we do this? It starts with loving them.

As we love them, they will do one of three things. If they're saved they will get right with God, if they're not saved they will get saved, or if they are part of the percentage that strictly takes advantage of the people of God, they will eventually move on. Either way let's not allow the negative possibilities to be a deterrent in accomplishing the will of God for our lives.

Let us make a concentrated effort to do what God would have us to do. In reality that is what we need to remember. What we're talking about here is not anything above what God has already asked us to do. If we'll take time to do this, then our Churches will have God's blessings upon them! The choice is simple......We can either love people as Christ loved them, or they will leave! It really is that simple!

In Christ's Service,
Bro. Brandon

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