Monday, February 8, 2010

Is it ever too late to pray?

In the day that we live in, we see the vast majority of people who claim to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior whose prayer life leaves a lot to be desired. Many times it seems as though these would be prayer warriors wait until some type of tragedy takes place in their lives to truly get before God and make their petitions unto Him.

The truth of the matter is that the praises of these individuals do not precede their petitions. Psalm 100 clearly instructs the believer to "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise." The key word in this scripture, when taken in its proper context, is "Enter." We must begin with a perennial praise of the Lord. If we praise the Lord in all aspects of our lives whether great or small, then we will not feel like novices when we must approach the Creator of the Universe with something that we deem as "important" or "pressing" in nature.

So the question is begged...."Is it ever too late to pray?" The Word of God teaches us that as believers, Jesus Christ will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. We must remember however that the Scriptures state that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, then God will not hear our prayer. If we stay prayed up and confessed up and in right standing with God, then it truly is NEVER too late to pray.

There are examples in the Bible where we see that for some, that it was too late to pray. Take Sodom and Gomorrah for example. God had turned them over to a reprobate mind and turned them "over to their own lusts." This is still applicable for today. Be careful about the things that you desire more than God, because He may just turn you over to those desires.

There is coming a day for the lost that it will indeed be too late to pray. You see, one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This will in no way shape or form constitute Salvation, but will rather be a recognition that they have wasted and squandered every opportunity to make things right between them and the Almighty God. Please dear friend, don't be the one for whom IT WILL BE TOO LATE TO PRAY!

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